We DO NOT have sign ups for any Contests. All of our contests are filled according to arrival and once we are at our capacity we have to turn anyone else away. So show up early if you want to be sure you are a part of a certain contest. Most require a minimum of 15 mins prior to and other up to an hour before it starts. Please see below Costume Contest for all the other Contests Con Nooga has in store for you!
Cosplay Contest Rules
Here are our cosplay competition categories for Con Nooga!
Off the rack - This category is for bought, commissioned, or thrifted costumes.
Off the machine - This category is for hand crafted items only. You must have made your item 70% or more or heavily modified premade garments out of their original state.
Off the dome -This category is for crossovers, “versions” of cosplays outside of widely considered canon, mash-ups, and OCs.
Each entry requires a printed REFERENCE IMAGE (except Off the dome) to accompany your entry form. As our judges may not be intimately familiar with every franchise, this helps us to understand your build!
Categories do not “cross compete” - eg: someone who made their costume will not compete against someone who’s was purchased, and an original design will not compete against a canon design. Every category competes only within itself.
Each category will have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
** Some Contests may be added and changed but believe us - we have a ton of contests and always looking to add or modify existing ones to assure a good time for all
Con Nooga It's Your Con!